lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018


Occupations and talking about them  English lesson

What will I learn from the English lesson occupations and talking about them?

During this lesson you will learn how to ask someone what they do for a living (job) and how to answer someone if they ask you. There is an example of a brief conversation between two people. The last part of the lesson is a description of jobs and a description of the job and where they work.

What does occupation or living mean?

Occupation what do people do for there jobt people do to make a living. And because all of us do something or the other, we often talk about occupations. Here are some sample phrases and sentences you can use to talk about occupations.

How to ask someone what they do for a living

So John, what do you do for a living?
What is your occupation?

What do you do to make a living?

I am a Docter. I help help sick people
I am a hairdresser. I cut hair.
I am a computer programmer. I make computer programs.

An example of a  conversation between two friends.

Mr Bean:-  Hello Mr Jones, what do you do for a living?
Mr Jones:- I am a teacher in a high school.
Mr Bean:- A teacher? that sounds like a lot of hard work.
Mr Jones:- Sometimes. I teach high school children.
Mr Bean:- Is there a lot if of  students  in your class?
Mr Jones:- Most classes have about fifty students on average.
Mr Bean:- Do like your job?
Mr Jones:- yes, It is so rewarding. Teaching at high school is easier then primary. The students are less naughty.

A list of jobs

 Type of job Brief description of the job
they work from?
Computer programmer
 Make programs to help reduce work load for peoples or offices   work in offices or can work from home    
 Secretary Type letters, post parcels and letters, and arrange appointments works in office
 Office worker Have computer skills, written skills, ability to plan things works in office
  Hairdresser Cut and style people's hair. Hair salon , but can be mobile
 Carpenter  Able to make most things out of wood  works in a factory or mobiles in a van
 Barber Cut men's hair and facial hair Works in a barbers shop
 Train driver Drives trains work in the cab at the front of the train
 Painter and decorator Paints anything in the home inside and out  works from a van
 Footballer Plays football for vast amounts of money  works for a football club
 Fireman Puts out fires in homes, factories, cars and car accidents  Works from fire station
 Student Studies  at school, college and universities  Studies at school, college and universities 
 Nurse Look after patients by giving medicine and dressing to wounds works from a hospital 
Crane driver  Uses a crane to lift various heavy objects  works in a crane
Doctor  Helps look after peoples health  hey work in a doctor's surgery or from in a hospital
Police  Help maintain peace and order  Work from police station
Gardener  Helps keep people gardens tidy and also public gardens works from a van
Accountant  Look after the finances for businesses  Works in a office
Teacher Helps students learn various subjects Works in school, college or university
Waiter  Serve people food and drink. work in a restaurant or cafes
Baker  Bakes Cakes and bread to sell to the public or shops work in a bakery
Vet  Look after people's animals. work from a veterinary surgery or vets.
Plumber  Looks after peoples plumbing in the home or industry  works from a van
Optician  Looks after peoples eyes by testing them  work in an opticians

 Works in a office

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